Here you can see a list of all pupils that you have access to.
Searching for a pupil
Start typing to search for a pupil. You can search by a pupil’s forename, surname, UPN, year group or class.
Viewing a pupil’s record
Once you have found the pupil you were searching for, simply click on the the pupil’s name to view more info.
Edit a pupil
Use the ‘Details’ tab to edit general pupil info. The data here includes the contextual groups found in your school’s census returns and in ASP (formerly RAISEonline).
Pupil groups
Use the ‘Groups’ tab to edit the class group that the selected pupil is in. You can also use this tab to associate a pupil with your custom set groups and specific groups.
Remove a pupil
Use the ‘Remove’ tab to either mark a pupil as a leaver, or completely delete a pupil from OTrack.
Uploading a photo
You can upload a photo or image for the pupil if you wish (this isn’t a required field). You can either drag an image from your computer or click on the ‘add image’ icon to browse and upload an image.